The partner



It is important to point out that Italy is the largest producer of quality apples and one of the largest exporters in Europe. The Consorzio Melavi, is one of the leading Italian producers of high-quality apples, born from the merger of three historic fruit cooperatives of the Valtellina and brings together more than 500 farming companies. In March 2010, the "Mela di Valtellina" was awarded the IGP community recognition that enhances the product and the productive engagement of all fruit growers in Valtellina recognizing the excellence of their product. Melavi will be the exclusive producer of Rockit on the Italian market with a major planting program, which will supply not only the national market but also the foreign markets on a global scale. The cooperative Valtellina has engaged in this important project by providing its fifty years of experience and all the necessary attention to the development of a product with unique features, in short, also made in Italy.


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